The Devil's Triangle

This is a basic walkthru. Nothing fancy.


1. Walk over to the Boat
2. Search it to find the Rations
3. Go east.
4. Face the dark entrance into the forest and throw the rations into it to get rid of the lion.
5. Go up the ladder; talk with Blackeye
6. Go to the Tavern
7. Sit down on the empty stool.
8. Talk with Grandma Rummy.
9. Leave the Tavern; get caught by the captain
10. Show Captain Walker LeChuck's Beard.
11. Talk with Captain Walker about Big Whoop.
12. Leave the village
13. Face the eastern bushes and use the sword to hack through them.
14. Go east.
15. Go east into the boat; talk with Voodoo lady.
16. Question 1: Keelhaul Island
17. Question 2: Bermuda Triangle
18. Question 3: I don't know
19. Talk with Voodoo Lady; Leave.
20. Go west.
21. Go back up ladder; watch cut-scene.
22. Fight Rat
23. Insult 1: "Don't worry, I returned them to your medecine cabinet."
24. Insult 2: "Should've asked if you could borrow some."
25. Insult 3: "Don't get testy because I had a better childhood."
26. Talk with Walker; receive Coat.
27. Go east; enter tavern
28. Talk with Jan about plan.
29. Talk to Fat Al.
30. Ask Fat Al to move; receive Board
31. Block door with board.
32. Watch the cut-scene; arrive on ship.
33. Open the Chest; receive Slime.
34. Go north into Engine Room.
35. Lube rusty axle with Slime.
36. Watch closing cut-scene.


1. Enter Cabin.
2. Go to Bed.
3. Make Al's bed; receive Candy
4. Go down into Engine room.
5. Give Al the candy; receive Organic Soap.
6. Leave Engine Room.
7. Go up on deck.
8. Go up to helm.
9. Give Organic Soap to Jan (puzzle based on true story).
10. Watch cut-scene; arrive on Skar Island.
11. Go to Stan's Previously-Owned Plumbing Supplies.
12. Talk with Stan; ask all top choices
13. Go to the Water Tower.
14. Sell your Fine Leather Jacket for 1000 piece's of eight.
15. Tell the man that his jacket is filthy; receive helium canister.
16. Go to Field
17. Talk to Hot Tamale.
18. Ask about race, say the tortoise would win, ask about hare, challenge Tamale.
19. Use Helium Canister on Fat Hare.
20. Win race; receive 1000 pieces of eight.
21. Return to field.
22. Cut balloons loose with sword.
23. Fill balloons with beer from keg.
24. Go to Deep Blue Sea Cafe.
25. Sell Beer to Manny
26. Question his license, offer reasonable price, say that balloons are popular, receive 1000 piece's of eight.
27. Go to Stan's.
28. Purchase Golden Plunger.
29. Go to Stan.
30. Steal Wallet; receive Plunger.
31. Go to Vending Machine.
32. Use MoldenCard on Vending Machine Panel.
33. Enter Copyright Protection; receive Ship Supplies and CRA Card.
34. Go to Spiffy's.
35. Give CRA Card to Spiffy.
36. Charge it to Ron Gilbert, purchase heavy explosives.
37. Go to Ship.
38. Set explosives.
39. Go to Water Tower.
40. Take the matches.
41. Go to Ship.
42. Use Matches to blow the ship back into the water.
43. Watch cut-scene.
44. Go down to cabin.
45. Use Plunger on Window.
46. Pull the Plunger.
47. Watch cutscene; confront Jan.
48. Watch closing cutscene.


1. Use Matches to burn ropes.
2. Run to Root Beer.
4. Take Heavy Bag.
5. Face ladder and press enter to throw bag onto ladder.
6. Stand on bag, facing down.
7. Use helium to float out.
8. Put Plunger in Cannon
9. Tie Rope to Plunger.
10. Use Match to fire Cannon
11. Use LeChuck's Beard to slide across the rope.
12. Watch cut-scene.
13. Knock on Fortress Door.
14. Building Inspector; Foundation Tilted; Try Another Plan; Rebalance Island; North Side; Weight Change; Inventory item; Receive wire.
15. Go south.
16. Use Plunger.
17. Walk to Plunger.
18. Use Wire w/ Cheese; catch Electric Ray.
19. Go north.
20. Use Ray on Door.
21. Use Wire on Ray; torch lock; enter fortress.
22. Go up stairs, enter top floor balcony room.
23. Push Green, Blue, Red, Green.
24. Leave room.
25. Go downstairs into room under ladder.
26. Use Hamster on Wheel; open gate.
27. Leave and go into gate.
28. Watch cut-scene.
29. Go through maze to north east corner.
30. Break through Corner Wall.
31. Go east until ground breaks.
32. Grab knife; beat rat.
33. Use Knife on Right Wall.
34. Use Knife on Vent.
35. Watch cut-scene; find dungeon.
36. Go west; receive apology.
37. Use Knife to free everyone.
38. Get Al to play game; run at wall; free from dungeon.
39. Fight rats.
40. Insult 1: You smell like an outhouse on a Summer day!
41. Insult 2: Unlike you, I don't smell like I came out of a rear end!
42. Insult 3: But YOU give them syphilis!
43. Insult 4: Not like there's much worth hitting there anyway!
44. Insult 5: Pretty hard to do with your foot in your mouth!
45. Insult 6: How about I show you how sharp my wit really is?
46. Watch cut-scene.
47. Swim West
48. Climb Anchor.
49. Go up into Anchor Bay
50. Spill root beer on Left Rat
51. Use Plunger on Second Rat; receive hat and sword.
52. Use LeChuck's Beard on Paint.
53. Go up onto Deck; disguised as Sharkjaw.
54. Talk to Macgee.
55. Use all top selections; open gates.
56. Swim west.
57. Watch long cut-scene; arrive on Sharkjaw's ship; keelhauled.
58. Swim left; arrive on rudder.
59. Look down, untie rope.
60. Tie rope to rudder.
61. Watch cut-scene; arrive on flaming ship.
62. Jump onto door, onto mast, over fire to the left.
63. Jump onto ropes, climb ropes, jump to helm, jump on grating; enter hold.
64. Go west; open chest.
65. Receive inventory.
66. Watch cut-scene.
67. Climb to dripping water, wait for Sharkjaw to shoot; open hole.
68. Talk with Jan; fight rat.
69. Use insult; Try something else; Blackeye BITE HIM!
70. Use Fire Extinguisher on Jan.
71. Use Sword.
72. Watch Cut-Scene.
73. Use Fire Extinguisher on Sharkjaw
74. Use Sword on Mast; get rid of Sharkjaw.
75. Watch closing cut-scene.


1. Walk to Chalkboard.
2. Scratch Chalkboard.
3. Go west.
4. Use Torch; receive Key.
5. Leave; go right to helm.
6. Talk to Blackeye.
7. Ask about strongbox, give key, receive map.
8. Watch cut-scene.
9. Follow Jan's directions through fog (At the beginning, the ship will be backwards. Just turn it around and get going.
10. Use Compass on Plunger as Guidance.
11. Head in a direction until Jan gives out an order.
12. Get through fog.
13. Watch cut-scene.
14. Go to Beach.
15. Send Blackeye towards the Demon Seagull.
16. Approach seagull; takes away Blackeye.
17. Take Shell.
18. Go to Fort.
19. Give Herman the Shell; receive heart; find Blackeye.
20. Go to Cave.
21. Give Heart to Monster; enter Hell.
22. Head East.
23. Head east (or is that west?)
24. Go east.
25. Take Mud.
26. Throw Mud at Light.
27. Go East.
28. Watch Cut-scene; Sharkjaw attacks.
29. Use sword on Sharkjaw when he approaches.
30. Use down to duck and up to resurface if you miss with sword.
31. Go east.
32. Use Fire Extinguisher on first two pillars.
33. Use Blow Torch on Last Three Pillars.
34. Go east.
35. Watch cutscene.
36. Go east.
37. Take sign.
38. Go west.
39. Use Sign on Shrooms.
40. Go East.
41. Give Shrooms to Charon; ride Bullet Train.
42. Face Terrence (my evil brother)
43. Defeat Meat Loaf.
44. Defeat Cher.
45. Defeat Roxette.
46. Defeat ABBA
47. Nuke the Spice Girls
48. Watch the Cut-scene.
49. Throw Fire Extinguisher just when Sharkjaw shoots at you.
50. Watch Cutscene; Devil arrives.
51. Run west.
52. Open Curtain.
53. Watch Cut-scene.
54. Take Vine.
55. Use Vine on Branch
56. Climb Vine; receive branch.
57. Tie Vine to Rocks
58. Use Branch on Rock; create bridge.
59. Explicit Max Cameo.
60. Run down mountain; dodge fireballs; arrive at ship.
61. Use Branch on Devil.
62. Use Root Beer on Devil's Mouth.
63. Watch Cut-scene.
64. Go to Light
65. Get Lens
66. Go west.
67. Use Lens with Al
68. Use Torch to seal breach.
69. Watch wild and crazy ending cutscene of game.
70. Sit through credits; find Easter Eggs!